We've always been captivated by the Olympics and at a little less than halfway through the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games, we took a look at the medal winning countries and mapped them using the Travel Goal Getter iPad App. Thus far, 25 countries have won a medal out of the 89 participating. The complete medal standings can be found on the official winter olympics site: http://www.sochi2014.com/en/medal-standings
On the eve of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, we took a quick look at the home states of the athletes. Can your state claim an Olympian? Nearly all fifty states can claim a home-state athlete with 40 states represented. The 2014 Sochi Winter Games have athletes claiming hometowns in 38 states and the 2014 Sochi Paralympic Winter Games add another two states. Those states without home-state athletes are; South Dakota, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Delaware. Map created using the Travel Goal Getter iPad App.
You might like... All Aboard! 7 State Visit on Amtrack Southwest Chief The 2012 London Summer Olympics are over and I'm having some withdrawal symptoms; I hear Bob Costas in my head, I have to remind myself that the flame at my local gas refinery is just that (and not THE flame), and I keep saying "I am now a legend" when I make a copy without messing up our excruciatingly difficult to use office copy machine. If you too need some help, see Nine cures for your Olympics hangover! Before we move forward to the next Olympics in Rio, let's take a look at the past Summer Olympics and where they were held. Have you traveled to any of these host countries? 1896 - Athens, Greece 1900 - Paris, France 1904 - St. Louis, United States 1908 - London, United Kingdom 1912 - Stockholm Sweden 1920 - Antwerp, Belgium 1924 - Paris, France 1928 - Amsterdam, Netherlands 1932 - Los Angeles, United States 1936 - Berlin, Germany 1952 - Helsinki, Finland 1956 - Melbourne, Australia 1960 - Rome, Italy 1964 - Tokyo, Japan 1968 - Mexico City, Mexico 1972 - Munich - West Germany 1976 - Montreal, Canada 1980 - Moscow, U.S.S.R. 1984 - Los Angeles, United States 1988 - Seoul, South Korea 1992 - Barcelona, Spain 1996 - Atlanta, United States 2000 - Sydney, Australia 2004 - Athens, Greece 2008 - Beijing, China 2012 - London, United Kingdom Do you have travel goals to travel to any of the past Summer Olympic host countries? See Achieving Travel Goals for some quick advice and a comprehensive primer to help you achieve travel goals. Check out a simple tool to help track travel goals and travel accomplishments - see our Travel Goal iPad App to learn more about tracking your unique travel goals on your own travel goal iPad app. Have you traveled to all 50 states, all 7 continents, or at least 15 countries? Become a member of our All Fifty Club, 7 Continent Club, and/or Traveler's Country Club today or give a membership as a gift! Happy Travels! you might also like... What are the home states of the 2012 London Olympic U.S. Medal Winners? Take a look at the map below to find out! The map was created using the Travel Goal Getter iPad App. The map has also been added to our Travel Goal Getter Pinterest page. U.S. Olympic Medal Winners call 37 states and Washington D.C. their home states. The Top Home States of the 2012 London Olympic Medal Winners are: 1) California (55 Medal Winners) 2) Texas (14 Medal Winners) 3) Pennsylvania (13 Medal Winners) 4) Georgia (10 Medal Winners) 4t) New Jersey (10 Medal Winners) 5) Illinois (9 Medal Winners) 5t) New York (9 Medal Winners) Medal winning Olympians also consider Hawaii and Alaska (not pictured on the map) home states. Of note, soccer gold medal winner Sydney Leroux considers British Columbia her hometown. She chose to compete under her father's American nation of birth but she resides in Arizona. Do you have travel goals? See Achieving Travel Goals for some quick advice and a comprehensive primer to help you achieve travel goals. Check out a simple tool to help track travel goals and travel accomplishments - see our Travel Goal App for the iPad to learn more about tracking your unique travel goals on your own travel goal iPad app. Have you traveled to all 50 states, all 7 continents, or at least 15 countries? Become a member of our All Fifty Club, 7 Continent Club, and/or Traveler's Country Club today or give a membership as a gift! Happy Travels! you might also like... What better way to teach kids geography than watching athletes from all over the world complete at the 2012 London Olympics! It's simple, inexpensive, fun, and inspires kids to learn more about the world around them. Here's what you need: 1) Map of the world: print one online or use our ipad Travel Goal Getter app to keep track 2) Television (or computer): you need one to watch the Olympics! What you do: ►When you watch an Olympic event pay attention to where the athletes are from. ►Help kids find the athletes' home countries on the map that you printed or on the ipad Travel Goal Getter app. Have the kids mark/check off the countries. ►Talk about the country and ask the kids questions like: How far away is it? How big is the country compared to where we live? What do you think the weather is like there? How many people do you think live there? etc. Be certain to tailor your questions to the age of the child. ►Keep it simple! If you need help with facts about a country just do a quick search online or write them down and find out the answers together. Simple! Fun! Let us know how it turns out! Photo used under Creative Commons from Ben Sutherland Do you have travel goals? See Achieving Travel Goals for some quick advice and a comprehensive primer to help you achieve travel goals. Check out a simple tool to help track travel goals and travel accomplishments - see our Travel Goal App for the iPad to learn more about tracking your unique travel goals on your own travel goal iPad app. Have you traveled to all 50 states, all 7 continents, or at least 15 countries? Become a member of our All Fifty Club, 7 Continent Club, and/or Traveler's Country Club today or give a membership as a gift! Happy Travels!
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