Several member couples loved the amazing views of the ocean along the coast of Oregon. Kevin R. Bridgetts and his wife; Dr. Donald Beahm and his wife, and many more!
Denise Behary was married on the majestic Kenai Peninsula.
Jocilyn Bergin checked off her 50th state (North Dakota) with her husband and son on her first Mother's Day.
Suzanne and Homer Brantley finished their goal of running in all 50 states on their 10th wedding anniversary in February 2004 in Maui, Hawaii.
W Gordon Webb and Belinda A Bright were married in the highest incorporated city in the United States - Leadville, Colorado. They figured it was the closest city to God!
Patrick and Maggie Brodeur went on a two week honeymoon and drove from Iowa to Canada, to Maine, Connecticut, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania.
Alicia and Matt Rovey participated in a Kissing Contest in Prague, Czech Republic on Valentine's Day 1998.
Ingo Caron was proposed to on Waikiki Beach, Honolulu.
John Fitzgerald met his wife in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic,
Aaron and Pamela Glatt honeymooned by going to Disney Land (her idea), then road tripped to New Orleans (his idea).
Eric and Eileen Greene drove every paved road they could find in Alaska over three weeks.
Some members made it a goal to "be romantic" in every state - whether they were tired or not!
For Michael Istre and his wife's 10th anniversary, they flew to Munich and drove through Germany, and spent a night in a castle hotel on the Rhine River.
Gary Leifer and his wife were married on Jackson Hole Mountain in a snow storm by a skiing judge.
May you reflect on your romantic travel memories this Valentine's Day or make plans to create some more!
Author: Alicia