This year we will be following the travels and experiences of the Amazing Race Season 21 using the Travel Goal Getter iPad App which allows you to mark your own map of the world and keep track of bucket-list travel experiences. One of our favorite travel related shows on television, Amazing Race Season 21, Episode 6 left me asking, has Amazing Race gone soft? Read on for the full story!
First, I was blow away by the audacity of the sister team, Natalie and Nadia, when they took money from the brother team, James and Abba. Apparently, the brothers had left the money unattended at the travel agent office that the teams were at when booking flights for the next leg of the race. The sisters really took the low road and left James and Abba asking for money from local Bangladeshi. Thanks to a very generous local woman, they were able to come up with enough money to catch a taxi to the airport and the other teams were shocked to see them. In an effort to split the guilt of taking the money, the sisters split the money with another team that had knowledge of the incident. Wow!
The teams had to decide between the tasks "Stack It" or "Scrub It".
► For "Stack It" the teams had to transport Turkish bagels called Simits to 3 different addresses by figuring out to stack them on a tray balanced on top of a team members head. Most teams handled this task well and few, if any, bagels were dropped.
► For "Scrub It" teams had to pick up bathing items at a local shop then make way their way to a bath house, choose a bath attendant, and get a rub down! This was me first indication this episode that the Amazing Race challenges are overall easier this season. Thus, my assessment that the Amazing Race has gone soft!
► Josh and Brent who arrived at the pit stop last on a non-elimination leg had to complete an extra task called a "Speed Bump". So what was their additional task, meant to penalize them for coming in last? They had to eat Turkish ice cream! Sign me up! Turkish ice cream isn't some weird food - it is actually ice cream served with a quick, albeit it frustrating when tempted with ice cream, performance of trickery. They actually went to the incorrect unmarked ice cream stand so they had to eat two servings! Talk about the easiest speed bump in the history of the show! Although the task was easy, it did take some additional time for Josh and Brent to get to the pit stop - their bellies were full of ice cream!
► Lastly, teams had to serve Turkish sherbet which, according to the show, is regarded as the world's first soft drink. They served 40 glasses of it in costume to paying customers at a busy market.
Overall, this episode was entertaining and I learned a few things about Turkey. Despite the "softness" of episode 6, I'll keep watching! To watch clips, please watch Amazing Race on CBS.
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